The NBA only makes the players go for one year. Is this fair?
Shouldcollegefootball players have to wait three years to go into the NFL?nba teams
I think the NBA should make the players wait three years as well. They should go tocollegefor school, not for basketball.
In the NFL, it's needed much more, since players will need to develop more physically and become tougher. It's for their own good.
The NBA doesn't need it as badly (LeBron, Kobe, Garnett), but i personally think they should be incollegemore, because not everybody will turn out like they have.
Shouldcollegefootball players have to wait three years to go into the NFL?nba playoff bracket ,nba teams
you can't compare the NBA to the NFL. I feel differently about both.
NFL, you should have 3 years, because very rarely will a player be ready after 2 years. and if they have the option, they will sometimes try to go early and maybe ruin their career.
the 1 year rule for NBA is foolish, it doesn't do well for the teams that get that player for one year, and its not like they are invested incollegeanyways. they should either skip college, or be commited tocollegefor 3 years. anything inbetween is not fair to thecollegeteams. (I heard this from Bob Knight) if they can play at that level, then they should go play.
you have to be out of high school for three years to enter the NFL
Perhaps, the NFL is hoping to create a group of young men sufficiently educated to take care of themselves at the end of what is typically a very short professional career.
If players were smart they would finish college. If they get hurt early in their professional career, they have nothing to fall back on. Get educated first, even if they don't need it.
Players are not physically ready to play foorball at the NFL level that early. In the NBA players are often ready earlier than they are for the NFL.
I think 3 years should be great before that would be to early and they will get murdered in that level.
NO!!!!!!!!! The nba is unfair!!!!!!!
If it were up to me I would do the following for all team sports.
Must be 20 yrs of age.
If they have a scholarship and leavecollegeto turn pro they must give to thecollegethe face value of the scholarship within one year. This money would go into the academic scholarship fund.
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